Your Boy BP is Over the Hill…

I’m old. Real old. Today’s my birthday. Big thanks to all my buddies that annihilated me in Pacific Beach on Saturday night. After dinner at the PB Fish Shop, we headed to Bub’s in PB, and this dude is the first person I saw. Never met him before. Giant fro, huge chops. Says he writes for some San Diego blog… can’t remember the name of it though. Too funny. He looks possessed. After many pitchers, some Buck Hunter (I’m undefeated), and some shots, we proceeded over to Miller’s Field. Outside of Bub’s, here’s who was waiting for us.

I don’t even know what to say about this cat. He had some giant birds nest with wood and jewelry hanging everywhere. Homeless, but not smelly, and after handing him a few bucks, he wanted to take pictures with all of us.

That’s Mac going in for the kill. Great profile shot of the PB Birdman. Then came Miller’s, and let’s just say it gets a little hazy after that. Great time with the boys though. Thanks for all the birthday wishes and birthday fun. The wifey is taking me to dinner and Moneyball tonight, so I’ll be sure to give my thoughts on that later. Here’s to another great year…


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