“The Light Shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness Has Not Overcome It…”


When tragedy strikes… when terror strikes… I can’t wrap my head around the horrific acts that people are capable of committing. My mind swirls with questions of “why?” – while my heart lifts up prayers to those affected. The dead. The wounded. Their families. I want answers. An 8 year old murdered? Why. Why would someone do this? Then it hits me… I won’t ever understand. I’m not capable of understanding. I don’t have that kind of hate in my heart. A cowardly act by a group of awful human beings… if you can call them that.

What happened at the Boston Marathon is a terrible, and yet, a city has united, and a nation has surrounded its people with love. America. We will bend, but we will not break.

Today… and this week, in the midst of tragedy, I will, as I always do, try to give you a break from your day. Give you a laugh… a smile. Sports. Culture. Media. Shenanigans. Whatever. The power of a smile is almost unparalleled. As you smile today, keep the families of those affected by this tragedy in your hearts… in your prayers, if you believe that those work, as I do.

The silly things that often fills the pages of Lobshots will be no less silly this week than they are every week because I refuse to let these coward terrorists win. I refuse. They didn’t win anything. They made us all stronger. United we stand…


[Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images]

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