The ‘Stripes’ Army Introductions Scene…


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Quite possibly the greatest 5 minutes in cinematic history. I use so many lines from that scene every single day. Just part of my everyday conversations. I don’t even care if those around me understand the reference. Heck, I don’t even realize I’m quoting them. Just flows right out. I love it. Somehow, Stripes didn’t make my personal “Top Ten Movies of All Time” list. Every time I mention a movie like Stripes, I inevitably get comments, “Top 5 all time, bro!” I respond, “Yeah, let’s see your list.” Everyone should have a list. Great conversation piece. And every time you remember a movie that just needs to be on your list. You have to take another movie off that list. It’s just damn near impossible. I wrote all about how hard it is here. Fun exercise.

Watching that clip is a nice reminder of how much I love Bill Murray… and how much I miss John Candy.


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