Padres Uniform Redesign…Revisited

While we’re on the topic of Padres uniforms redesigns… I showed you a really crappy one yesterday, so here’s one I can get behind. This is an mockup job from our buddies over at Bring Back the Brown and Product Etcetera. Absolutely love this. Love. If Padres management won’t go back to one of the classic unis that the Padres are most known for. Specifically the 1984 uniforms that took the Pads to their first World Series. Road version seen here:

Or my personal favorite, because they look clean, and they are hard to find…the 1985-1989 jerseys. Home version, along with warm-ups seen here:

Like I said, if management won’t go back to these already awesome originals… why not combine the past with the future? This is an incredible alternative. The tradition of the old Padres PCL uniforms, paired with the nostalgia of the classic brown and gold. Here’s the original picture of the 1936 PCL Padres throwback uniforms paired with the mockup.

Oh, if you’re wondering about the patch on the left upper chest of Rizzo…that’s a little BBTB special. Here is the patch paired with some custom BBTB Knockaround shades.

Sick, right? I’ve got a pair of those shades and I rock them daily. Back to the patch, obviously you wouldn’t find that one on a Padres brown uniform redesign, but the beauty of going back to the brown and gold is that you could have this patch… which has represented the Padres since they year they entered Major League Baseball in 1969.

Yessir. The Swingin Friar. Brown and gold. Big fan. BringItBackBringItBackBringItBackBringItBackBringItBack…


[original image via Tenth & Island]

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