The Padres Did Something Silly

I don’t understand this decision. Selig? Of all people… Bud Freaking Selig? Why? He’s on his way out as commish. The Padres were already gonna get an All-Star game, right? So, why are the Padres sucking up to him? I just don’t get it. At all. (Want a good laugh? Click on those links to the above tweets to see the fan responses on twitter. NSFW, kids. Matt Hall at the U-T also put together a fine collection of tweets/quotes about the new name)

Matt Calkins from U-T San Diego has a great write-up, with video, of the dedication

There are two tweets from the U-T’s Jay Posner that really stood out.

If you don’t know your classic San Diego sports media history… this is the famous exchange Jay Posner was talking about.  I try to check myself when decisions like this Selig Plaza are made… am I overreacting? Are fans overreacting? I second-guess myself. Then Sports Illustrated’s Lee Jenkins weighs in and totally validates my emotions.

Where’s Steve-O (who is an idiot) when you need him?

Begs the question…  


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