That is Richard Marshall’s custom gold Bentley. I wrote all about the transformation of his custom Bentley here.
Has he sold it to teammate Eddie Royal? Check out the license plate on this gold Bentley spotted at Qualcomm Stadium.
So Richard Marshall sold his custom gold Bentley to Eddie Royal? Check the plates. #Chargers (ht @socaltrav, @CT2SD)
— Brady Phelps (@LobShots) September 29, 2014
In addition, here’s some video of the Bentley on 1-15 with the Eddie Royal plates. Sure looks like Eddie bought it from him. Technically, there’s a couple different scenarios that could be at play here… Eddie Royal bought an exact replica of Richard Marshall’s Bentley? Marshall just gave it to him? Or finally… Richard Marshall is just next-level stalker obsessed with Eddie Royal and is paying tribute to him? Also, what do the plates mean? Obviously a play on Eddie’s name and number 11… but is he always open like 7Eleven or something? I dunno. *update* – or the plates are standard issue and mean nothing!?
@LobShots @EddieRoyalWR @TheMarshall31 Plates don’t mean anything. That’s standard issue CA plate. 7EXXXXX would be within the last 6-9 mos.
— Matt Cook (@mattcook84) September 29, 2014
In conclusion… who cares.
[lobbed by Gavin]